Learn Robotics Using C++ Language
Certified Course With STEM
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- Get Market Ready
- Practical Training

Benefits Of This Program
Why You Should
Learn Robotics?
ROBOTICS is an engineering field which concentrate in the design, creation and manufacture of a fully automated machine (robots), by implementation of concepts from electrical/ electronic computer and mechanical engineering. It helps explore kids to the real-world applications. We provide robotics education through its integrated curriculum materials and equipment that engages and create a passion towards STEM fields i.e., Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Develops critical thinking skills

Enables learners to develop and express creativity

Helps to excel in math & science

Choose a career in science and technology

Robotics Using C++ Language
You might think of C++ as an antique programming language, but C++ is still readily used in programming today. Despite the advent of popular object-oriented programming languages (OOPs) like Python, C++ continues to have a dedicated space in software engineering.
- C++ Variables and Literals
- C++ Data Types
- C++ Basic I/O
- C++ Type Conversion
- C++ Operators
- C++ Comments
- C++ if...else
- C++ for Loop
- C++ do...while Loop
- C++ break Statement
- C++ continue Statement
- C++ switch Statement
- C++ Functions
- C++ Function Types
- C++ Function Overloading
- C++ Default Argument
- C++ Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays
- C++ Function and Array
- C++ String
- C++ Structure
- Structure and Function
- C++ Pointers to Structure
- C++ Enumeration
- C++ Objects and Class
- C++ Constructors
- C++ Objects & Function
- C++ Operator Overloading
- C++ Pointer
- C++ Pointers and Arrays
- C++ Pointers and Functions
- C++ Memory Management
- C++ Inheritance
- Inheritance Access Control
- C++ Function Overriding
- Multiple & Multilevel Inheritance
- C++ Friend Function
- C++ Virtual Function
- Basic visual concepts and perspective of 3D modelling.
- Axis, Plane and navigation Interface and movement.
- Basic shape tools
- Shape manipulation and scaling Properties of model.
- Methods of grouping and holing. Aligning and flip tool.
- Tinkercard Tools Characters.
- Numbers and texts. Components.
- Buildings parts for penguin. Assembly of parts.
- Shape generators.
- Featured tools. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
- Pre-installed models for 3d printing. Import export and collaboration.
- Things to consider before 3d printing
- Dc Current and Voltage
- Voltmeter And Ammeter
- Resistance and Ohmmeter
- Resistor Types and Colour
- Code Ohm’s Law
- Simple Led Connection with Resistor And Breadboard
- Measurement Of Voltage and Current In A Simple Circuit
- Conductors, Semiconductor, Insulator
- Cell Grouping-Series- Parallel-Grid-Resultant Voltage and Ah Rating
- Series And Parallel Circuits Led With Push Button
- Led Controlled By Potentiometer Buzzer Controlled By Potentiometer Capacitors-Types
- Charging And Discharging of Capacitor Led Fade Away Circuit
- pn Junction Diodes
- Forward Biasing and Reverse Biasing
- Half Wave Rectifier, Full Wave Rectifier and Bridge Rectifier
- Transistor Transistor As Switch
- Transistor As Touch Sensor Circuit
- Automatic Street Light Dual Led Flashing Circuit
- Water Level Indicator Circuit Touch Door Bell Circuit
- Led Dimmer Circuit Electronic Piano Circuit
- LED Light Up & LED Blink Multiple LED
- Fading LED RGB LED
- Streetlight with LED Arduino Night Lamp
- Making a PIANO with Arduino LED Chaser with Arduino Push Button Digital Input Multiple Push Button Servomotor
- Ultrasonic Sensor Ultrasonic Sensor with LED
- Ultrasonic Sensor with Servomotor Potentiometer with Analog Input Potentiometer with Servomotor Security Alarm
- Temperature Sensors Temperature Controlled Fan Arduino DC Motor
- Arduino Driving Control Tank Level Control System PIR Sensor
- Revision